These paintings are made at the same time as the Administrative Paintings.
Many of these are (2-d) pictures of (3-d) shaped canvases of a kind I made a long time ago and then abandoned. These drawn canvases usually split or fold along a horizontal center with each section separately treated. Some show an armature lifting the imaginary canvas off the imaginary wall. The painted canvases assert and/or draw back into themselves. Some carry slogans or old, questionable sentiments or painted cut-rate skies and mirrors. Some show the canvases covered by curtains.
They are not all pictures-of-pictures. A few are a sort of travel poster. One group shows particolored finger-painted dots in vaguely symmetrical patterns harassed by masking-tape fingers.
With these paintings I let myself be a sloppy oracle, trying out notions that for me would be too difficult to maintain if constructed for real. They are diagrams or projections of things that I don’t want to leave the imaginary pictorial space of painting, not yet, anyway.